Over time, Esmeralda’s hard work and dedication paid off, and her sales figures began to soar. She quickly gained a reputation as a reliable and trustworthy agent, and her clients and nothing but praise for her excellent customer service.
In 2019, Esmeralda decided to take her career to the next level and established “Legacy Insurance and Wealth Services LLC” Her agency has been growing ever since and has a team of 20 agents who share her commitment to providing top-notch customer service.
Esmeralda’s guiding principle is to prioritize customer service above all else. She believes in building meaningful relationships with her clients and understanding their unique needs. It is the key to success in the insurance industry. As a result, she and her team go above and beyond to ensure that every client receives personalized attention and tailored solutions to meet their specific needs. Esmeralda’s company slogan is: “Build your Legacy today.”